Through the team with ample knowledge of the federal, state and municipal legislation, The Ottoni Advocacia Office gives legal and administrative procedures advisory to its customers, such as, elaboration of impugnations and administrative remedies, administrative contract analysis, dossies, studies and definition of behavior strategies of companies before the direct and indirect public administration.

 It acts in processes of licitation, licensing of establishments, registers of products in the competent agencies, assessorship in administrative acts of contract, concessions, permissions and authorizations, in processes of rendering of accounts, taken of accounts and others procedures before the Courts of Accounts.

It plays important role in subjects that involve the agencies of the direct administration, autarchic entities and regulating agencies, ANVISA, ANTT, ANAC, ANTAQ and ANEEL, public companies, society of mixing economy, public foundations and others agencies entailed to the Executive and the agencies of external control, as the Union Accounts Court.

Legal and Administrative Support to Business

Ottoni Advocacia Empresarial offers legal assistance and administrative procedures to clients, such as the preparation of impugnations and administrative recourses, definition of bylaws and conduct of companies with the Government’s direct and indirect public administration.

Our Firm acts in litigation processes, registration and licensing of commercial establishments with the appropriate areas of the Government, providing coaching and support in the preparation of administrative contracts, concessions, permits and authorizations. We also play an important role of support between the client and regulatory agencies, such as ANVISA, ANTT, ANAC, ANTAQ e ANEEL, public corporations, mixed partnerships, public foundations and other institutions controlled by the Union.